Becoming a world champion and even going further to break the world record is no mean feat.  It takes a lot of hard work and determination to be able to do this.

I would like to pay tribute to Kenyan Marathoner Eliud Kipchoge who is said to be greatest marathoner of all times and who recently broke the marathon world record during the 2018 Berlin marathon.  As we analyze his secret to success, I will also seek to draw lessons that business people who want to succeed can emulate.

Lesson #1: Discipline

Eliud is a very disciplined athlete who wakes up at 5.00 am for his morning exercise and observes a strict diet.  These two attributes have greatly contributed to his success.  As a business person, identify the areas where you need to exert total discipline and then go ahead and focus on them in order to become successful.

Lesson #2: Persistence and Determination

Eliud has had the ambition to break the world record for several years, and on several occasions came close to doing it previously.  The numerous near misses did not dampen his efforts but instead served to fire up his dream.  Many a times business people set goals and objectives for themselves but when they don’t meet them, they give up on their vision.  Nobody promised that the entrepreneurial journey will be easy and true success only comes to those who are determined and never give up.

Lesson #3: Don’t Let Circumstances Beyond Your Control Derail You

In 2015, Eliud had an unfortunate incident when running the marathon that would have been a perfect excuse for quitting the race.  Less than half way through the race, the insoles of his shoes came off but he continued running despite the pain and discomfort he was experiencing.  He went on to win the race albeit at a slower pace than he had anticipated.  At the end of the race, he was quoted as saying: “It was not easy. There are blisters on the left foot and my big toe is cut, with lots of blood.” 

He purposed that he since he could not control the malfunction of his shoes, he would instead concentrate on what he knows best and that is running.  As a business person concentrate on growing your business and don’t let circumstances beyond your control grind you to a complete halt.  They may delay or derail you somewhat but do whatever it takes to ensure that you keep ‘running’.

Lesson #4: Hard Work Pays

For the good work that Eliud displayed in the 2018 Berlin marathon, he is set to take home more that Ksh. 10 million (for winning the race and breaking the world record) plus other prizes that include a brand new Isuzu vehicle.  Pessimists may say that the money is too much for a race that took slightly over two hours but will not bother to quantify all the hard work and countless hours put up in training.  To earn good ‘rewards’ in your business, you have to be ready and willing to put in a lot of sweat equity which many people may not recognize or pay attention to.  Always remember, hard work will always pay and the fruits of your labor will be yours to consume.

Lesson #5: Keep Good Records

Eliud maintains proper records of all the races that he participates in, in notebooks.  Therein he records the time, venue, experiences etc.  It is from these records that he is able to analyze trends and opportunities.  Every business person should also keep good records to enable them deduce the peak seasons for their kind of business and any other emerging trends so as to adjust their businesses accordingly and to never be caught flat footed when opportunities strike.

Lesson #6: Embrace Continuous Learning

Eliud is an avid reader and like reading personal development books and biographies of successful sports personalities.  It is from this literature that he is able to maintain a positive attitude and continuously improve himself. As a business person aspiring for success, seek to learn from those who have been there before you and immerse yourself in books that make you a better entrepreneur.

To your greatness, entrepreneur

Lillian Macharia

Lilian Macharia is a seasoned business consultant and corporate trainer with over a decade of experience. Her expertise lies in helping businesses develop strategies that drive growth and profitability. As a consultant, she works closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and develop customized solutions to meet their specific needs. Her corporate training programs are designed to equip employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Lilian is passionate about empowering businesses to achieve their goals, and her practical approach has helped countless clients achieve lasting success.